Saturday, September 09, 2006

Who are the people in your neighbourhood?

One of the best things about blogspot is the little "Next Blog" button in the top corner. I amuse myself for far too long looking at the other blogs that pop up randomly next to mine. The first time I looked, I was bordered by a 21 year old mother who apparently had a child named sharkey and had a crush on his grade school teacher... classy. Other neighbourly encouters have included an Israeli hate site, a community theater's production of "Wizard of Oz", Chief Joseph Eagle's high school history class notes, a bunch of spanish people, one girl's attempt to find self esteem on the internet through lame emo poetry writing (which I'll give her props for because at least she's not flashing her boobs for a hat. I just thought the blog title of "Mediocre Poems That aren't Very Good Unless You Like Them" was hilarious.) There was also 4 Steve Erwin memorial blogs, a life insurance quote blog (that ironically came up right after one of the memorial blogs) and one Icelandic girl's blog that was written entirely in Icelandic but for some reason I was compelled to read every single word of it, and understood none of it.

But the best blog I've come across happens to be one that typifies and sums up ever so... bluntly, the reason why I don't like blogs is this little number right below this paragraph. They will be the death of us. I'm serious you guys. Blogs, myspace, xanga, lavalife... all of it. It's gonna kill us all. You need proof? Read this and argue with me.

I'm going to put a disclaimer on this for oh so many reasons...

Wow. Just wow. I think I'm going to keep updated on this guy. I also hope he gives us links to "Smash Dood's" and "Bert's" blogs.

PS And still, for every 10 times I hit the "Next Blog" Button, 4-5 of them are still porn. You've gotta respect the kind of market domination that makes Rockefeller look like a philanthropist. I think Marge Simpson said it best when she said "When did Fox news become a hardcore porn channel? It happened so gradually!"


At 4:35 PM , Blogger cayliedawn said...

dear jacob.

i miss you. not enough to call you or e-mail you, but enough to post on your blog that i miss you.

uncommitingly yours,

At 6:46 PM , Blogger jacob said...

Caylie! That is hands down, the greatest use of a comment ever. You win. The end.

At 7:01 PM , Blogger jacob said...

Also, you are currently in Guyana. I have only now just learned of this.

At 3:49 PM , Blogger cayliedawn said...

yessum. but don't worry - even if i was still in edmonton, i wouldn't call you.

tell dylan hi if you see him.


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