Thursday, January 04, 2007


In the spirit of today, it's time to make a list of the things I hate most in life.

1) Yellow Submarine.
2) Cashiers that hand you bills first, then the coins slip and fall out of your hands.
3) Radio announcers that talk over the intro of the song.
4) Sinuses.
5) Religious Fundamentalists.
6) People that think golfers and baseball players are atheletes.
7) People that quote Adam Sandler movies.
8) People that love Adam Sandler movies.
9) Adam Sandler.
10) Christian Radio
11) Everbody Loves Raymond
12) People that read the bible: a) as a literal, concrete text b) as a science text c) as a Psychology text.
13) People that don't know how awesome I am.
14) Board Games. All of them.
15) Gifts that cost the receiver more than the giver.*
16) How my playstation monopolizes my time.
17) Weddings. (except the short ones that have desert receptions).
18) That guy from "House".
19) "Arrested Development" getting cancelled.
20) "Scrubs" running longer than it should.
21) When people make a big deal about visiting me and then don't mention me in their blog.

Ahhh... cathartic.

And that last one was only tongue in cheek. I don't really hate it when that happens.

*Dont' ever buy a Hamster for a gift exchange.


At 11:39 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

I love that you got a Hamster for Christmas. I'm hoping I get a dog for my birthday...on Sunday...I would be okay with that. More than okay.

At 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want my hampster? His name is Manny (short for Manchester) and he now comes with his own cage, food and ball that he should excersize in but instead builds nests in and gets fat.


At 2:58 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Jacob. #21 was uncalled for. Inappropriate. Do you hate sinuses as an entity, or hate stuffed or agitated sinuses specifically?
I agree with most of the things on this list, especially Everybody Loves Raymond. But my agreeing with you should hardly come as a surprise.


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