This is a...
Random guy who, during the Whyte Ave festivities, was convinced (possibly by the author) to jump up and down, make faces at and generate large quantities of buffoonery in front of the pictured S.W.A.T team member.
The realizations that "Random Guy" failed to make were twofold:
1) Whyte Avenue is not Buckingham Palace. Not even close. Mr SWAT was most certainly not standing there for ceremonial purposes. He was also permitted to move and react in many fun and interactive ways with people.
2) The weekend prior to this night, the fine folks at the Edmonton Police Service were rather embarrassed by the actions of the mob on Whyte Ave and had a strict no tolerance policy regarding any and all tomfoolery.
So "RG", as I like to call him, ended up in zip ties on the street surrounded by many many more anal retentive SWAT guys.
And "That was a..." random guy. Who got really, really suckered.