Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Horrible, Revolting... Magnificent.

The first time I met Michael Paul Henry was my first week of college during an amateur talent night (is there any other kind) set up for the entertainment of the on campus students. With one hundred and fifty people breaking at least 7 different types of fire codes in our small cafeteria, I watched Mike as he nearly burned the room down while performing a Neil Diamond tune off the Hot August Night album. He did in fact wreck the makeshift stage, cracking it right down the middle and finishing the tune off from his backside on the floor over by the fountain pop.

The stage wasn't the only thing in the room that night that wasn't at least slightly devastated. The one hundred and fifty people (many of whom, myself included, were getting their first taste of Mike Henry) who witnessed the spectacle were left in an emotional state somewhere in between feeling awe and feeling completely voilated. This is what your first encounter with Mike is like. Leaving you feeling like you're completely in awe and also like you've been slightly molested.

Years later, as I was delivering the best man speech at his wedding, I wrestled with how to properly (and appropriately) convey what it is to be best friends with a guy like this. If I'd only had these pictures that night, I could have done him a little bit more justice I think (though, if I do say so myself, my speech should go down in history as one of the more memorable best man toasts ever).

So without further delay, here in his own words, is Mike Henry. One of The 18eh's finest.

The key to any good flop is theatrics. I hid the target beneath my shirt until the moment arrived

A deafening roar filled the camp as the each one of those middle schoolers were traumatized.

A nice close-up. All these were taken by the camp photographer. He said, "I threw-up in my mouth a little" when the shirt came off.

Counting down... "ONE BELLY, BELLY!"


Notice the graceful and delicate approach to the flop. Many people make the mistake of jumping too high or too far forward. Really the best jump is a simple spring off the board.

Preparing for impact, be sure to spread all the way out, don't let your waist bend or knees hit the waer first. It will undoubtably affect your smack-quotent

A fine impact, great smack and the horns went flying.

Emerging victorious!
I ended up in thrid place this year, a good showing, but a little disappointing considering 1st and 2nd didn't do anything new. Oh well, there's always next year.

I've never been more proud...


At 9:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oaky fine!
I will legally try and adopt you,already.

At 1:18 PM , Blogger jacob said...

Freaken Finally!!!!


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