Friday, October 27, 2006

An American President?

My strategy for achieving a new goal in life is as follows:

1) Find beautiful American girl, love ensues.
2) Marry said beautiful American girl.
3) Register as a voter abroad.
4) Vote for this guy...

His name is Sen. Barak Obama and although many of you probably saw him on Oprah, I am herby shamelessly jumping on his bandwagon if he decides to make a run for the presidency. Amidst a maddening amount of midterm exams I found myself in a bookstore one afternoon unable to put down his book. Although it is more than a little conveniently timed for his run for the presidency in 08 one wouldn't expect a man in his situation to do it any differently and it was brilliant. Everything one could possibly hope for in a Democratic candidate.

All I have to say to my American readers is this:

"Just... please. Ok you guys? Please? For me?"

[shameless flattery]Besides, from what I've seen all the good American girls are taken.[/shameless flattery]


At 1:50 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

Not ALL of the American girls are taken. *AHEM* The best one is single, albeit, sorta married ... still.


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