Saturday, October 07, 2006

People In My Neighbourhood

I've decended further into my own geekery and figured out how to manipulate html into allowing some new links in here. Unfortunately you have to scroll all the way to the bottom but html hasn't revealed all of it's mystical secrets to me yet so they'll have to stay down there for now.

For your reading pleasure: I highly recommend kristen's blog for those of you who like lots of words and no pictures and Sarah likes to talk about beers and local Edmonton celebrities, which I enjoy very much. Also in the xanga line, be sure to not miss out on Pete's latest weblog as he grossly misinterprets a comment made by yours truely and dedicates an entire entry to lil' old me. I love Pete though, if only for his goaltending skills.

Shiggy now has his own website. I told you he's going places though so this shouldn't surprise you. This website will contain things that may in fact blow your melon. In my "humble" opinion, it's the greatest shock-and-awe campaign to have ever hit our fair intarweb. Shock n Awe Greg... Shock n Awe.

And even if you have better things to do (which I promise you you won't) read Jessica's blog. It's quite simply stunning and, much like the lady herself, will draw you in not just with pretty words and well formed sentences (something all us guys look for ina woman) she also has pretty pictures to look at too for those of us possibly and hypothetically born with attention deficit hyperactive disorder and/or dyslexia. Seriously, if blogging was a trait I found attractive, this girl would surpass Lindsay Lohan on my list of desireability, placing her third behind Audrey Hepburn and that girl from the "Everyday Italian" on the food network. It's that good.


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