Friday, January 26, 2007

The Official Post of Official Songs.

I've been trying to think of a way to capture my last couple weeks in California but I can't really think of a way to do it justice so I think I'll just keep that one to myself for now. I can't say enough good things though about Mike and Kristen and how awesome they were for letting me stay with them and for letting me lead worship at the youth retreat up in Tahoe. Booya to you guys. I love you both and I'll see you again really soon.

[/sentimental blitheryblab]

We've decided to have "Official Songs" now that encapsulate certain elements of life within the 18eh social circle. So I'm going to start off the list.

Official song of the Zombie invasion: I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor.
They will come. You all laugh. But who'll be laughing last when we're the only survivors in our city, hiding out in Superstore, completely untouched thanks to our biblical knowledge of all things undead?

Official song of Chris moving to Michigan: Bored - Iggy Pop
We all knew he was crazy. The move just sealed the deal.

Official song for making spaghetti: Crash - Dave Matthew's Band
If it wasn't so funny it would have been sad to see Shiggy's elaborate, lengthily prepared dinner fall down the stairs.

Official song of trips to Wal Mart: In The Waiting Line - Zero 7
Self checkout: Best invention ever.

Official song of hanging out with Chelsea: Dizzy Up The Girl - Goo Goo Dolls
How she's made it to the age that she is astounds me. You'd think a person like that would eventually get run over by a bus or, at the very least, mugged while getting lost downtown, mere blocks from her home. A close second for this song was Helter Skelter by The Beatles.

Official song of the fight scene in the Cowboy Western Rock Opera that we'll write someday: Let's Get It On - Marvin Gaye
Seriously, this is the best idea for a movie ever. Watching this will be like getting punched in the face with a fist full of awesome. You may begin bracing yourselves now. Please, try not to be burned by our brilliance.

In other news, I think it would be way cooler if we like, totally got together and started calling our social circle The A+ Team. That'd be totally awesome. I mean, we could call ourselves the A Team, but I mean really, who would call themselves that? That'd just be crazy.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Recover the Cover and Relist the List

I came across this tonight and needed to throw it up for anyone who may read this. This is one of the coolest covers ever and might be one of the most creative. Right up there with "Hey Ya" by Obadiah Parker. This girl makes me feel at home wherever I am. Her little hiccup at the beginning of the clip is totally endearing.

The world needs more KT Tunstall.

*for the tech head's out there, my next purchase will be a loop stomp box and an A/B switcher. I will be a Rock n Roll circus.

[Wayne's World]"She will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine."[/Wayne's World]

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Things Mike Said Today.


"Dude, look at these pictures of Alberta today. You live in a wasteland."


Mike: "What's Kale? Why is it on the grocery list?"
Jake: "I think it's a fish. I don't know why we're in the produce isle."
Mike: "There's way too much green stuff in this cart. It's creeping me out."


Mike: "What's that music? It sounds aweful."
Jake: "That's your national anthem."
Mike: "Oh."


"It's ok, he's from Canada."

So You Know...

For anyone who is reading this in Edmonton, where it is currently snowing and feels like -27 degrees, I want you to know that where I am, people on the radio are complaining about the cold too.

Because it's in the high 40's.

It was 15 degrees and beautiful here in Northern California. There's green grass and it might even rain here. If it rains I will cry from joy. Rest assured that pictures are coming.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


In the spirit of today, it's time to make a list of the things I hate most in life.

1) Yellow Submarine.
2) Cashiers that hand you bills first, then the coins slip and fall out of your hands.
3) Radio announcers that talk over the intro of the song.
4) Sinuses.
5) Religious Fundamentalists.
6) People that think golfers and baseball players are atheletes.
7) People that quote Adam Sandler movies.
8) People that love Adam Sandler movies.
9) Adam Sandler.
10) Christian Radio
11) Everbody Loves Raymond
12) People that read the bible: a) as a literal, concrete text b) as a science text c) as a Psychology text.
13) People that don't know how awesome I am.
14) Board Games. All of them.
15) Gifts that cost the receiver more than the giver.*
16) How my playstation monopolizes my time.
17) Weddings. (except the short ones that have desert receptions).
18) That guy from "House".
19) "Arrested Development" getting cancelled.
20) "Scrubs" running longer than it should.
21) When people make a big deal about visiting me and then don't mention me in their blog.

Ahhh... cathartic.

And that last one was only tongue in cheek. I don't really hate it when that happens.

*Dont' ever buy a Hamster for a gift exchange.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I'm Buying So Much Hype

Ever since that dark, disasterous day of May 19, 1999, I've found it nigh on impossible to buy into hype of any sort. But every once in a while something comes along that I can't help but get overly excited about. Last week, some people in Sydney Australia went into a subway station and got this on their cell phone:

If you don't immediately recognize who it is, that's alright. You haven't heard from them since 1999. If you're my age and reading this, you loved them in Jr High and then forgot about them in High School.

But not me.

Silverchair's music became a staple in my musical diet and they went on to become one of the most brilliant bands of our generation. And all the while, no one in North America noticed. When they put out 2003's Diorama, everyone here had forgotten about them and they weren't able to tour because of Daniel Johns' battle with arthritis. So the album that Rolling Stone called the best album we've heard in twenty years, went unnoticed and unplayed.

But now they're back. And if everything goes accordingly, I promise you, by this summer everyone will remember Silverchair and fall in love with their music all over again. Their new single comes out January 29 so until then, I'll let you all listen to what you've been missing.

My band of the month is Silverchair

The song of the week is Without You from Diorama. (One of the best outtro's in rock music)