Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Facebook Killed the Blogging Star.

The book of a million faces...

On an awesome scale of Facial Excema (least awesome) to New Wave Hairdo's (most awesome according to The Beasty Boys), Facebook ranks a solid Angelina Jolie's lips (pretty awesome but kinda creepy too).

Now I fully admit that the only reason I've not written anything here is because of facebook. I've decided that it's time to bring it back. Not so much in the "bring sexy back" sorta way that Justin tells us he did (don't be fooled, sexy was always here it's just that we forgot what it looked like thanks largely to a severe lack of focus on Robbie Williams in the North American press). No, it's more so the "Bringin' back that ol' New York Rap" sorta thing that Beasty Boys were doing.

I've been asked to reopen the blog with a research post, but my research consists of 10% Google and 90% Opinion disguised as fact in clever APA format. So instead of researching I'll do what I'm better at (cause I've never actually researched anything in my life). And that thing is making lists of "best of's".

So, because all you facebook lurkers will soon be poking around in here, here's the Best of thesightsandsounds.com:


The first ever installment of "This Is A..." all about the glory and revelry that was whyte ave during the Oiler playoff run. "This Is A..." will definitely be making a comeback as well.


Jake's sister goes through a breakup. Jake makes fun of her. Good times.


Because disastrous wedding stories are always fun! (also, see below post).


A rant against practices in the Church. (Warning: NOT FUNNY. But brilliant and insightful).


How to spot your very own Gravy Train! Another brilliant installment in the "This is a..." series.

Enjoy. Again. For the first time.